The five unlikely friends Caroline, Eva, Estelle, Judith and Kiki have been meeting on the first Tuesday of every month for 15 years to gossip and gossip - and once a year they go on a short vacation together. This time, at Eva's suggestion, they want to spend a week of fasting in a remote castle hotel: seven days without everyday life, without stress, without men - and without food. Unfortunately, the meager therapeutic fasting mainly causes ravenous hunger among the women, and the problems at home cannot be shaken off so easily. Empty bellies and sleepless nights soon cause friction. Finally, the real reason for Eva's vacation suggestion turns out: she hopes to find her unknown father at the castle.
Attorney Caroline, the sensitive Judith, the housewife Eva and the affluent entrepreneur Estelle have been friends for 15 years. Once a year, the ladies go on a weekend break, but this time the trip is not a good star: After the death of her husband Arne wants the mourning Judith completed his pilgrimage started to Lourdes. As faithful friends, the three others join her. However, it does not take long for the strains of the tour to cause many a quarrel.
For over 15 years, Eve, Estelle, Caroline, Kiki and Judith have been eating every first Tuesday of every month. But that's just the end: Kiki wants to turn an old village school into an idyllic bed and breakfast near a picturesque lake. But the dream threatens to become a nightmare. But even the girlfriends who come to the rescue, have their own problems. Eva is in a midlife crisis, the lawyer Caroline feels persecuted by a dangerous stalker pursued a controversial litigation; and the casual liverwoman Estelle is to be ousted from her company and foundation.