Danger: Diabolik follows the story of a masked criminal named Diabolik, who steals from the rich to give to himself and his girlfriend Eva. As the police and a crime syndicate try to capture Diabolik, he navigates through various dangerous situations, including car and helicopter chases, a cliffside house, a cave hideout, and a heist involving stolen money and molten gold. With his unique sense of style and masterful thieving skills, Diabolik becomes a legend in the criminal underworld.
Diabolik and his accomplice Eva Kant are confronted by the relentless Inspector Ginko in a high-stakes battle of wits and cunning.
Captured by a ruthless gang of bank robbers, foes Diabolik and Ginko find themselves facing certain death. While Eva Kant and Altea forge an unlikely alliance to rescue their lovers, Diabolik reveals his mysterious past to the Inspector.
Diabolik follows the story of a master thief with a flair for the dramatic, who uses his wit and cunning to outsmart the police and steal priceless treasures. Set in a monochrome noir world, Diabolik faces off against a determined police inspector as he navigates a dangerous world of crime and sensuality.