009 Re:Cyborg (2012) is an anime movie based on the manga. The story revolves around a team of cyborgs who band together to fight for friendship and the future of technology. Set in a futuristic world, the cyborgs battle against powerful enemies using their superpowers and advanced technology. The movie explores themes of teamwork, friendship, and the consequences of relying too heavily on technology.
Cyborg 009 and his team are re-united to fight the latest menace from the Black Ghost. Before they can tackle their foe the team must overcome an army of monsters sent to stop them, including giant jellyfish, stingrays, plesiosaurs and treacherous cyborgs.
Cyborg 009 movie based on the manga of the same name. Features 009's origin and an epic battle against Black Ghost and their evil robot forces.
An anime film for the second Cyborg 009 anime TV series.