Chebi: My Fluffy Friend is a heartwarming movie about Cheburashka, a real furry animal who lives in an orange grove in a distant country. When he finds himself in a small town by the sea, he encounters an uncommunicative old man, a little boy who cannot speak, and a mother who makes amazing chocolate. Along his journey, Cheburashka also meets a strange aunt who wants to buy the chocolate and give it to her unsympathetic granddaughter. This delightful film explores the bonds that form between Cheburashka and the people he encounters, showcasing the power of friendship and love. It is a must-watch for anyone who loves charming stories and adorable furry creatures.
Gena and Cheburashka have a day off. But each of them wants to spend it in their own way: Gena dreams of relaxing with a newspaper and a cup of tea, and Cheburashka cannot sit still for a minute. Will the friends be able to find a solution and spend the day together?
Cheburashka gradually gets used to life with Gena, but like any growing child, Cheburashka begins to show excessive independence, and sometimes even become a hooligan. They live happily until their peaceful life is disrupted by an incredible event. In the second part, not only the already beloved heroes will remain, but also new, unusual characters will appear.