In Carnosaur 3: Primal Species, a female police officer and a tactical team find themselves facing off against deadly dinosaurs. As they fight for survival, they must navigate a world filled with danger and terror. With each member of the team being picked off one by one, they must come together to defeat the ancient creatures before they become extinct once again. Will they be able to stop the terror unleashed by these primal species?
When industry spies break into a top secret lab at Calgorin Industries, they accidentlally let a T-Rex loose, which wreaks havoc into the lab before breaking out into the streets of Los Angeles.
When a government cover-up leads to the creation of genetically modified raptors, a sheriff and a group of scientists must team up to stop the deadly creatures. With explosions, murder, and a race against time, they must uncover the truth before it's too late. Get ready for a thrilling ride full of action and suspense.
In the year 1993, a female scientist creates a genetically-engineered dinosaur as part of a secret government project. The dinosaur escapes from the lab and wreaks havoc on a small town, killing anyone in its path. As the town tries to survive the dinosaur's rampage, a group of survivors must find a way to stop the creature before it destroys everything in its path.
In Carnosaur 2, a team of scientists and military personnel are sent to a small town that has been infiltrated by a pack of genetically-engineered dinosaurs. As the creatures begin to attack and kill the town's residents, the team must find a way to stop them before they cause even more destruction. With time running out and the body count rising, the team faces numerous obstacles and challenges as they try to contain the situation and save the town.