Camping 3 is a hilarious comedy movie that follows a group of friends as they go on a camping trip. Their adventure is filled with laughs, mishaps, and unexpected twists. From taking selfies to swimming in a pool, the friends experience a series of hilarious and chaotic events that will leave you in stitches.
Camping is a comedy movie set in Gascony, where a group of childhood friends go on a camping trip with their families. The trip takes a hilarious turn as they encounter various conflicts and comedic situations that test their friendship and relationships. Based on a true story, Camping is a lighthearted film that explores themes of love, friendship, and adventure during a summer holiday.
In 'Camping 2', a group of friends embark on a camping trip filled with laughter and unexpected twists. As they navigate through their vacation, they encounter a nudist camp, indulge in beach activities, and even enjoy karaoke nights. With alcohol flowing and friendships tested, this summer holiday becomes a wild and unforgettable experience.