Set in Calcutta, the film follows a conflicted hero who is seeking a job in the city. Along the way, he encounters surreal and hallucinatory experiences that challenge his values and relationships. As he navigates the challenges of unemployment and the pursuit of a medical career, he must confront his own inner demons and the adversities of life in the city.
The Middleman is a movie about a man who works as a middleman, dealing with different businesses and facing the desperation that comes along. The story revolves around his friendships, unemployment, and the challenges he encounters in his job. It explores themes of social commentary, cynicism, and moral dilemmas, all set in the backdrop of Calcutta, India.
Company Limited is a drama film set in Calcutta that tells the story of a young man's journey through the corporate world. The film explores themes of ambition, selfishness, and the modernization of society. The protagonist, a director at a factory, navigates the cutthroat corporate ladder and faces various challenges and moral dilemmas along the way.