Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009) follows a group of high-school students as they prepare for their prom night. However, their celebrations take a horrifying turn when a deadly and flesh-eating virus is unleashed, infecting everyone in its path. As chaos ensues, the students must find a way to survive and stop the virus from spreading further. With dark comedy and gruesome scenes, this movie takes horror to a whole new level.
A group of college graduates goes on a spring break vacation at a cabin in the woods. They soon discover a flesh-eating virus that infects them one by one, causing them to slowly deteriorate and become homicidal.
In Cabin Fever: Patient Zero, a group of friends on a bachelor party vacation on a remote island find themselves trapped as a deadly flesh-eating virus starts spreading. As they try to find an escape, they discover a research facility where the virus was created, and now they must fight for their lives against the infected and each other.