Born in the USSR: 21 Up is a documentary film that follows the lives of individuals who were born in the Soviet Union and are now 21 years old. It offers an insight into their life experiences, struggles, and dreams.
Born in the USSR: 28 Up is a documentary that follows the lives of individuals who were born in the USSR and are now 28 years old. It explores various aspects of their lives including relationships, careers, and personal experiences, providing insights into the effects of growing up and living in the USSR.
Born in the USSR: 7 Up is a documentary series that provides a unique and insightful perspective by tracking the lives of a group of Soviet children starting at the age of 7. Through interviews and personal stories, we witness the challenges, dreams, and aspirations of these young individuals growing up in the Soviet Union.
Born in the USSR: 14 Up is a documentary that follows the lives of teenage boys and girls in Russia as they navigate the challenges of being 14 years old. It provides an intimate look into their experiences, hopes, and dreams.