Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas is a heartwarming Christmas movie that takes place during the period after the Beast saved Belle and before the final transformation. In the story, Belle and the enchanted characters in the castle prepare for Christmas, but a plot by Forte, a pipe organ, threatens to ruin the holiday. With the help of some new friends and the power of love and forgiveness, Belle and the Beast must overcome challenges and bring back the true spirit of Christmas.
Belle's Magical World is an animated anthology movie that follows Belle and her friends as they navigate various adventures and learn valuable life lessons. From surprising parties to runaway sleighs, Belle and her companions encounter challenges that test their friendships and require forgiveness. With talking objects and magical surprises, Belle's Magical World is a heartwarming tale about love, friendship, and the power of forgiveness.
A prince is cursed to become a hideous beast until he learns to love and be loved in return. Years later, a young woman named Belle enters his castle and begins to see the beauty within him, challenging societal expectations and breaking the curse.