Basket Case 2 follows the story of a mutant named Belial and his loyal brother Duane. After being separated, the brothers reunite and find themselves in a mansion filled with other mutants. As they navigate their way through the bizarre world, they must confront their own demons and face the horrors that await them.
In Basket Case 3: The Progeny, Duane and his basket-bound mutant brother Belial are taken in by Granny Ruth and her eclectic group of monsters. When a sheriff and his deputies discover the family's hidden secret, chaos ensues on their road trip to a mansion. With blood splatter, gore, and dark comedy, this cult biopunk film is a thrilling ride.
Basket Case is a cult horror movie released in 1982. It follows the story of a man named Duane Bradley and his deformed conjoined twin brother, Belial. Duane carries Belial in a wicker basket and seeks revenge on the doctors who separated them against their will. The movie explores themes of brotherhood, revenge, and body horror.