In Avengers Grimm: Time Wars, a group of fairy tale villains travels back in time to alter history. The dark-heroine Avengers Grimm must stop them and save the world from their evil schemes. As they embark on a thrilling adventure filled with magic, battles, and unexpected twists, the fate of both the present and the past hangs in the balance.
Sinister Squad is a fantasy action comedy movie about a group of villains who are recruited to save the world from an evil force. Through a series of comedic and action-packed events, the squad battles against the forces of darkness and discovers the true power of unity. With elements of parody and fantasy, this movie is filled with humor, action, and adventure.
When the evil Rumpelstiltskin uses a magic mirror to escape to an alternate dimension, a group of fairy tale characters including Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty must band together and use their unique powers to stop him.