In the city of Tokyo, a giant space monster called Dogora appears and begins consuming coal and diamonds. As the police and scientists scramble to understand and stop the creature, a gang of criminals hatches a plan to use the chaos to their advantage and carry out a daring diamond heist. As the monster wreaks havoc on the city, a police detective and an insurance investigator must join forces to stop both the gang and the monster before it's too late.
Space Amoeba (1970) tells the story of a giant space amoeba that lands on a tropical island and begins to wreak havoc. A group of scientists and adventurers must find a way to defeat the creature and save the island.
Atragon follows the story of a Japanese submarine crew who discover a lost continent and must navigate their way through dangerous encounters with kaijus and a hidden civilization. The crew, led by a veteran Admiral, face off against the forces of the Japanese military and try to save the world from destruction.
After the loss of his brother, a man witnesses the emergence of a giant monster from a lake which starts terrorizing a nearby city. He must find a way to stop the creature before it destroys everything.
In Gorath, a giant star is discovered in the south pole of Saturn. As it approaches Earth, it causes massive tidal waves and disasters. A team of astronauts and scientists must come together to find a solution before it's too late.
In King Kong Escapes, a mad scientist tries to use the power of a radioactive element to control King Kong and create a giant robot to do his bidding. King Kong escapes from the scientist's clutches and battles the robot in Tokyo, causing chaos and destruction.