Set in a post-apocalyptic future, Appleseed Alpha follows a female warrior as she battles against cyborgs and robots. With the help of her power armor and advanced weaponry, she fights for survival in a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
In a post-war city, a utopian society is under threat from terrorism. A cyborg police officer and her partner must uncover a conspiracy and stop the terrorists from plunging the city into chaos.
In a post-apocalyptic future, a cyborg police officer and a female warrior team up to save the world from a one-world government and terrorism. As they navigate a world filled with machines, clones, and artificial intelligence, they must confront their own inner demons and form a powerful bond to overcome the challenges ahead.
In a world where cyborgs and advanced technology exist, a cyborg police officer named Deunan and her partner Briareos are on a mission to stop a group of terrorists who are threatening the peace. As they unravel the mystery behind the terrorists' plans, they discover dark secrets that could change the course of humanity.