In a dystopian future ruled by a one-world government, a group of hackers uncover a computer virus that can bring down the false messiah and prevent the end times. As they navigate a world on the brink of apocalypse, they must outsmart the government's surveillance and navigate dangerous virtual reality simulations. With the help of a blind woman and the power of their faith, they strive to bring revelation to the world.
In a dystopian future where religion is on trial, a lawyer finds himself in a rigged trial against a powerful prosecutor. As he fights for justice and tries to uncover the truth, he is faced with supernatural forces and a world on the brink of destruction.
In a dystopian future, a computer hacker discovers a sinister plot involving a false messiah and the end times. As chaos ensues, he navigates a world of violence, explosions, and mind control, ultimately questioning his own sanity.
Apocalypse: Caught in the Eye of the Storm is a disaster film set in a dystopian future where a news anchor and her cameraman find themselves caught in the aftermath of the rapture and the rise of the antichrist. As they try to navigate the new world order and survive, they encounter challenges, dangers, and the hope of redemption.