The story of a disturbed individual named Yuuki who captures two Japanese girls.
All Night Long is a transgressive film that explores themes of violence, cruelty, and misogyny. It follows the story of a woman who becomes the target of a sadistic predator, leading to a night of extreme sexual abuse and mistreatment. The film is known for its controversial and shocking scenes, including projectile vomiting, sexual humiliation, and explicit violence.
When a young woman witnesses a suicide she is so overwhelmed with sexual excitement that she masturbates, unaware that she is being observed by a strange man. Later he invites her home where she is wined and dined. Soon she wakes up to find herself locked in a cage. Of course their twisted and sadomasochistic relationship will end in a sadistically explicit bloodbath.
In 'All Night Long 2', a peaceful teenager becomes the victim of a sadistic gang who subject him to extreme violence, sexual abuse, and torture. The film explores themes of misogyny, sexual violence, and turning the tables on predators.
A bellboy stalks a woman who frequents the hotel where he works.