Yoshirou, a secluded teenager, brings back home a stray cat after a car accident. The next morning the cat has turned into a nice girl, Kiki, who wants to be his girlfriend... Will catnip get in the way of their love?
An action figure aficionado named Ryouta finally completes a rare action figure collection by buying a doll in Akihabara. His joy is short-lived, however, when a group of juvenile delinquents steals it from him on the way home. Totally defeated, Ryouta wanders into a tiny back-alley shop and finds an even rarer model of a girl named Airu for sale. He rushes home to assemble it, and to his astonishment Airu comes to life and instantly falls in love with him.
Geeky Hideki can't seem to catch a break, so his friend brings him to a café to cheer him up. But Hideki finds more than good service at the café; he falls in love with his waitress, Misaki, who is dressed in a maid's uniform and caters to his every whim. He gets up the courage to ask her out ... to go fishing. Will his inexperience chase Misaki away? The third installment in the "Akihabara trilogy". Each of these stand alone films are set in the famed Akihabara shopping district in Tokyo which is a popular destination for hardcore fans of anime, manga, video games and model kits. This city-sized shopping area provides a colorful backdrop and plays an integral part in the storylines for each of the three movies.