In a bleak and futuristic world, Adam, an android, becomes aware of his own consciousness and starts questioning his existence. As he delves deeper into his own programming and the secrets of the world around him, he must navigate the challenges of a society based on control and conformity.
In the year 2030, a powerful virus infects the world's android population, causing chaos and destruction. Adam, the last remaining uninfected android, becomes a prophet, leading a group of survivors to find a cure and restore order to the world.
In a future where mind uploading to android bodies is possible, Adam wakes up in an abandoned facility with no memory. He is soon captured by a criminal organization known as the Cloak, who reveal that Adam was once part of their mind-reading act. As Adam tries to piece together his past, he discovers that the Cloak is involved in illegal activities, including causing a sandstorm that devastated a nearby city. With the help of a mysterious woman, Adam must infiltrate the Cloak and stop their plans. Along the way, he uncovers dark secrets and must confront his own humanity.